First Place in the Supreme Court Case Competition!

Author: Elo Gaver

Geia Rõivas, a graduate of Miina Härma Gymnasium, took part in the Supreme Court’s case competition for the third time this year. The competition gives students interested in law the chance to solve real-life court cases and contribute to justice.

Geia had already earned second place and special prizes from the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Court in previous years. However, first place had always remained out of reach. This year, picking the right case and solving it skillfully was a bigger challenge than ever. As the saying goes, “Measure nine times before you cut.” Geia’s first choice was a criminal law case, which she and her mentor had carefully discussed. But just days before the deadline, she decided to switch to an administrative law case, making a bold last-minute change.

This decision turned out to be the key to her success. By trusting her instincts and focusing on a politically relevant case, Geia was able to win. The Supreme Court recognized her strong reasoning skills by awarding her first place with a certificate at the competition held for the Court’s 105th anniversary.

Geia reflects on her experience: “Having participated in the competition several times, I encourage all high school students interested in law to get involved. It’s a great way to see if law could be the right career for you. The competition has opened my eyes to new perspectives and broadened my worldview. For example, this year I gained a deeper understanding of the Israel-Palestine conflict—an issue that helped me grasp the complexities of international law and geopolitics.”

Geia Rõivas was once again guided by her former teacher, Elo Gaver, the assistant manager of Digiwise.