Lauri Antalainen was elected as the new VP of EstBAN
Author: Elo Gaver
Estonian Business Angels Network was founded in 2012 as an umbrella organisation for business angels and business angel groups seeking investment opportunities in Estonia to grow the quantity and quality of local seed-stage investments.
On the 31st of August in 2021, due to changes in the EstBAN board, a new President and Vice President were elected. As of that day, Lev Dolgatsjov will serve as the President and Lauri Antalainen as the Vice President. Lauri has already been a board member of EstBAN for a little over two years. He says that business angels in Estonia are having great times and opportunities to fund new ideas right now. During the last year, a record number of new members have joined, so EstBAN already has about 230 bold and innovative investors.