Practical digitalisation in industrial and service enterprises
In his work, Lauri Antalainen, the Chief Consultant at Digiwise, mainly sees problems with internal project communication, the flow of work orders or information moving between different departments in a company. To offer proven solutions, IT Koolitus and Lauri Antalainen are organising an eight-hour training day called ‘Practical digitalisation in industrial and service enterprises’.
The aim of the training is to provide guidance for identifying digitalisation opportunities and implementing digitalisation projects in an industrial or service enterprise to business managers, middle managers, quality managers and those responsible for business processes.
The training will focus on specific steps that a company interested in digitalisation should take to turn ideas into action. As a result of the training, the participant will understand the content of digitalisation as a business process development activity and will be able to assess the potential gains that can be achieved as a result of digitalisation. In addition, the participant will be able to identify problems and bottlenecks in business processes that can be mitigated through digitalisation, and will create a roadmap for the implementation of the digitalisation project and find the right digitalisation solutions.
Digitalisation is a topic that we hear about almost every day in different sectors. Unfortunately, the vast majority of lectures and seminars on digitalisation are either very theoretical or very technical. This means that the focus is either on reiterating the importance of digitalisation or on adopting a specific solution. This training teaches how to identify digitalisation opportunities in the company and how to find appropriate solutions.
More information including the exact schedule and the registration link can be found here: IT Koolitus – Koolitused – Praktiline digitaliseerimine tööstus- ja teenindusettevõtetes